exhibitions: 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007

- 07.04.1997
Groningen: Groninger Museum
In Context (Nieuwe Aanwinsten) <!-- exhibition>
TechnoGym (Gold), 1991 TechnoGym (Gold). 1991.
120 x 240 cm
Coll. Groninger Museum

12.02 - 09.03.1997
Perth: Perth Institute of Contemporary Art
Burning the Interface <!-- exhibition>
BlindRom. Ca.1993.
Mac CD-ROM. 181Mb
Coll. MCA, Sydney.

International exhibition of recent work by artists and filmmakers on CD-ROM. Touring Australia until May 1997. Next stop: Brisbane City Hall Gallery and Museum 27 March - 3 May 1997

- 01.05.1997
Helsinki: Finnish Museum of Photography
Photography after Photography <!-- exhibition>
Hover Hover (Room 16). Ca.1991.
125 x 139 cm

Touring exhibition. Next stop in 1997: Institute of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia

11.06 - 18.06.1997
Basel: Torch @ Art 28'97
What We Are Doing <!-- exhibition>
solo presentation

A small catalogue was published in edition of 500.

11.06 - 18.06.1997
Basel: Art 28'97
Videoforum <!-- screenings>
Screentest 2 (Club Roxy Amsterdam). 1996.
Betacam, 17min.

Screentest 2 (Club Roxy, Amsterdam). Betacam, 17 min.

Communita (Explaining Interactivity). Betacam, 5 min.
BlindRom v.0.9 . CD-Rom.

12.12.1997 - 09.01.1998
Amsterdam: Arti et Amicitiae
Mu <!-- exhibition>

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© 1997-2007 Gerald Van Der Kaap, Amsterdam